Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's about time.

Here is our boy. I have heard people say that it is difficult to have the pick of the litter. I had no idea it would be this difficult. I really think that it came down to our (still) nameless puppy below and the ugly puppy. There is something about that white faced dog. Someone will get an ultra athletic pup in the ugly dog. He is going to be a big one, too.

Here's Ugly...

I would love to tell you that I had picked up on all kinds of clues that he was going to be a great companion for the family and for quail hunting next year, but I had no idea. I really did not have very many clues about anything. He has a pretty strong will, but he did submit to Don after a few minutes of Don gently holding him down. All the pups come to a whistle pretty well.
I asked Don to hold on to him for another week since Kay-Lynn and the kids were going to the beach in South Carolina this week, but it looks like the latest tropical depression/hurricane is going to throw a ton of rain throughout the Southeast this week. So I say all of that to say this: we will probably pick him up Wednesday of this week. We are really looking forward to it.

So I have been "working on building my own fence for the back yard all summer. Here is the update. Posts are up. That is all. I was supposed to have two nights and a Saturday of working on the fence the other week until a huge storm came through and...

...took out a 50 foot white pine landing on and splitting one of my dogwoods. So, with the help of two friends, for two nights and a Saturday, I was able to cut up these trees and haul them down to the street. I am picking up a compressor and framing nailer Tuesday evening. So, hopefully that will force me to find time to get some fencing done.
Here is the trunk that I had to cut down. It came down fairly easy, but I really wish I had old' Babe to haul it off for me. Each piece of the trunk was north of 100 lbs. I only attempted to lift one into the wheel barrow. That was enough. Notice the fence posts? Nice, huh?

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