Monday, February 9, 2009

Terrible Irony

Well, I finally posted on my blog for the first time last week since August. Unfortunately, the very day I posted was also that last time I saw Chuy. While on the phone with my wife at 4:45pm, she went to let him inside and noticed that he was laying down next to the back door. We are not sure what killed him but he was extremely healthy and very happy to the minute he died. It is very strange and pretty awful.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Holy Cow

Well I am a pretty terrible blogger. Here is a quick update:

  • It took me 4 months with tons of help to finish my fence.
  • Chuy has grown to about 40 lbs. It did it really quick.
  • I learned that I am no good at dog training.
  • A 55 foot pine tree fell down on my fence.
  • It took me 3 weeks to repair said fence.
So, that gets you caught up on my blog more less from August to December.

In the past couple of months I decided to stop getting frustrated with how my training was going and get some help. So, I have taken myself and Chuy out to my friend Don's kennels about 5-6 times. Don is amazing. He has really straightened me out and helped Chuy in the process. I had some retrieving problems to correct and unfortunately are still working on them. It all stems from me allowing my kids to chase the dog when he had a toy in his mouth. He has really improved though with his retrieves. He is doing really well on his Heal and Woah commands. Now I just trying to get him to Heal and Woah with distractions, but I am really pleased with our progress in the past couple of months.

I will try to get some current pictures the nex ttime I go out to Don's. In the menatime here are a few pics for this blog entry:

Here's Jeff. One of the weekend warriors. I think he spent 2 hours on this corner.

The backyard is pretty good size. The roots of those pines nearly killed Christian and I when we were using the auger to drill those post holes. Seriously. I thought we had gotten hit by a truck once or twice.

Here is Cody imparting some more wisdom to Dave K. Dave C. is in blue and worked like a dadgum beaver on the saw.

First tree in the line of this picture is the one that fell across the street snapping a telephone pole in half and taking out power, cable and phone for my entire neighborhood for 14 hours. They love me.

Here is the engineer of the group. Patrick is my neighbor and is pretty amazing. He has every crazy little tool you can imagine and he helped me with rails, pickets, and most importantly the double gate.

Much thanks to all these guys. There is no way I could have done this solo.

Here is Chuy in November.

This is him in December. Mary Alice loves Chuy...when he is still and laying down on his bed.

I will get some fresh pics and traing stuff up soon.